Contact Us
  • 神奈川県厚木市金田1030
  • 046-224-2251
  • 神奈川県厚木市金田1030
  • 046-224-2251


Reliable quality management by proprietary innovative technology and in house trials.

To achieve the high quality our customers demand, MEIKI developed 3-dimensional measuring device (patented) for surface process management. Our trial in house molding machines lineup varies from 350t to 4000t, thus MEIKI has reliable and high quality system management.

What is contactless 3-dimensional function?

  1. Function does not affect the surface of the measured object and enables high precision measurement
  2. Sensors are mounted to the equipment and only by pressing a button measurement starts.
    (normal size bumper is 2500mmX1000mm, 200 measured points, measuring time 15 min)
  3. Measuring time is reduced significantly as the measured product does not have to be moved .
  4. Measurements are accurate to 1/100mm enabling highly precise calculation.

Measurement example

Machine Makino (controller FANUC 15M)
Measured material Core slide
Measurement pitch 80mm
Measurement time 5min
Measurement points 1476 points
Measurement result reference measurement coordinate values (XY position is entered and Z value is requested)
Evaluation Difference with the 3D data is displayed
Difference with theoretical value (CAD data) 0.01mm – 0.05mm

Stack Molding

Quality guarantee by in house trial system

Because we pursue the quality and take full responsibility for of all mold make, we have established a prototype molding machine. Lineup range of machines is from 350t to 4000t and they are used for in house trials. It is also possible to make in house trial for heating and cooling, for gas injection molding and other special molding specifications.


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