Contact Us
  • 神奈川県厚木市金田1030
  • 046-224-2251
  • 神奈川県厚木市金田1030
  • 046-224-2251

Safety Cleaner

Cleaning solution, Safety cleaner,
that was developed by mold manufacturer,
inspection agent that occurs at finishing operation,
magic marker, marking for varnish, grease,
can be cleaned with small amount very easily.
Also, the smell is reduced so the work in not unpleasant.

Special feature of the Safety Cleaner

  • 1We think about the environment, it does not contain harmful chemical and thus PRTR law is not applicable.
  • 2Compared to toluene, xylene acetone volatility is controlled and thus with small amount it delivers outstanding effect.

Application method

Cleaning coating, painting


1.Pretreatment cleaning


2.Spray some on the cleaning cloth


3.Clean the area with cleaning cloth


4.After cleaning


NET 1,000ml, 3,000ml
Do not use with fire
Fire service act / hazardous goods class 4, petroleum class 2
Rule on organic / class 3 organic solvent
Safety labor law / aliphatic hydrocarbons, do not drink


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