Contact Us
  • 神奈川県厚木市金田1030
  • 046-224-2251
  • 神奈川県厚木市金田1030
  • 046-224-2251
MEIKI Mold Maintenance

MEIKI Mold Maintenance Caravan MMMC (domestic and international patent)

MEIKI Mold Maintenance Caravan carries a range of mold machinery and equipment to meet variety of customers’ needs including maintenance, modification and remodeling. We go to place instructed by the customer as soon as possible, repair the mold on the spot. We eliminate the time and work needed for transport of the mold and thus saving expenses of our customers. We carry out the work in the shortest possible time.

Conventional electric discharge machine discharges

Not as a conventional electric discharge machine when work is sunk in processing tub and discharged, but it creates a tub on the part you want to process and then discharges. Ultra-compact electric discharge machine is its special feature.


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