Contact Us
  • 神奈川県厚木市金田1030
  • 046-224-2251
  • 神奈川県厚木市金田1030
  • 046-224-2251

Part time jobs

Work position
  1. Mold polishing work
  2. office assistant
  1. Age from 22 to 62 / mold polishing, finishing work experience
  2. high school graduate or higher / PC skill (Word, Excel)
Work time
  1. Full time work, dependents possible, (negotiable 3 to 5 working days per week)
  2. Full time work, dependents possible, (negotiable 3 to 5 working days per week)
Work content
  1. Mold polishing work, finishing work support
  2. document creation, office support
  1. 910JPY〜1100JPY(based on experience and skill)
  2. 910JPY〜1100JPY(based on experience and skill)

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